Fun Farm Bridge

Fun Farm Bridge

posted in: Water | 3

With the Spring semester just about to begin in Rexburg, it’s still a little bit too chilly to go Bridge Jumping. However, in just a few months, it will be blistering hot, and we’ll be ready! Fun Farm Bridge (not to be confused with Twin Bridges) is one of the most popular places to go Bridge Jumping in the area. It’s only a few minutes north of St. Anthony.

From the bridge, there are two main places to jump. Obviously, you can jump from the side of the road, but for those seeking a little bit more of an adrenaline rush, you can climb up the side of the bridge and jump from the top.

Please use common sense when jumping. Only jump in good weather, when the current is not very strong, and only if you’re a confident swimmer. Go with a large group. People have drowned here. Also, although traffic is mild, keep in mind that this bridge is still used for cars passing from one side of the river to the other. Happy jumping!


1. Get on Highway 20, going North towards St. Anthony.

2. 2.8 miles past the St. Anthony exit, there is a brown sign on the right side of the road labeled “Fun Farm Bridge.” Turn left here.

3. Follow this road for a short distance and then turn left onto 2650 E. Rd.

4. After turning, the bridge will be right in front of you. You can’t miss it!

3 Responses

  1. I watched my roommate dive to his death off of this bridge. Divers beware.

  2. Don’t go here unless you are with locals or people who grew up jumping off this bridge and know the river. There are rocks and currents. “Common sense” is what locals understand. If you are knew or inexperienced, you need a local with you. Being a goid swimmer isn’t enough.

    • How do I delete or correct the spelling here? I meant “if you are “new” to the area, find those who know the river,”

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